Hi, we are eERG, the Politecnico di Milano end-use Efficiency Research Group.
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eERG afferisce al Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani (DAStU) del Politecnico di Milano, ed è un gruppo di lavoro che dal 1996 svolge ricerca sugli usi finali dell’energia. Il referente è il Prof. Lorenzo Pagliano.
eERG is part of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) of the Polytechnic University of Milan, and is a working group that carries out research on the end uses of energy since 1996. The contact person is Prof. Lorenzo Pagliano.

eERG @ Sustainable Places 2024 as a partner of SATO H2020 project
Check out our upcoming workshop Energy Demand Flexibility for a Faster Energy Transition we will give with Smart2B project on Sept 25th, 2024 – DE Room. See you in Luxembourg!

This workshop addresses highly insulated buildings can reduce energy needs by up to 80%, promoting a transition towards renewable energy. Deep thermal retrofits can increase comfort intervals and enable intelligent, flexible buildings. The Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) concept finds greater effectiveness in deep thermal retrofit buildings. Projects like SATO and SMART2B contribute to leveraging building flexibility and improving indoor comfort and energy efficiency.