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eERG è il gruppo di ricerca sull'efficienza negli usi finali dell'energia
attivo dal 1996 presso il Politecnico di Milano


Feed RSS Allegati: Progetti - Passreg Documenti allegati alla pagina Progetti - Passreg (5):

  • Scaricamento Libero Edifici a Energia quasi Zero - il ruolo dei comuni e la strategia Passive House: una guida ragionata
    Data: 20-05-2015 18:15
    Tipo di file: documento PDF
    Dimensione: 1,52 MB

    In Italia, con la guida del Gruppo eERG, diversi comuni, province e amministrazioni regionali stanno attuando il processo per diventare regioni che implementano i principi passive house con l'integrazione di sistemi a fonti rinnovabili seguendo gli esempi di successo, le soluzioni e i modelli analizzati nel progetto PassREg. Questo è rilevante per tutta l'area mediterranea, con le sue specifiche caratteristiche ed opportunità.
  • Scaricamento Libero Case Passive aperte per visite
    Data: 31-10-2014 11:43
    Tipo di file: documento PDF
    Dimensione: 0,15 MB

    Nei giorni 7,8 e 9 Novembre 2014 saranno possibili visite guidate all'edificio passivo di Lonato (BS), ulteriori dettagli qui in allegato
  • Scaricamento Libero Case Passive aperte per visite
    Data: 02-11-2012 23:00
    Tipo di file: documento PDF
    Dimensione: 0,19 MB

    Il 9, 10 e 11 Novembre 2012 sarà possibile visitare edifici costruiti secondo lo standard Passivhaus, in tutta Europa e in Italia. Nel file allegato ulteriori dettagli sugli eventi e gli edifici visitabili.
  • Meeting e study-tour in Hannover
    Data: 12-06-2012 14:27
    Tipo di file: documento PDF
    Dimensione: 2,14 MB

    ha preso inizio il progetto PassREg con la visita studio in interessanti edifici e quartieri passivi con energie rinnovabili in Hannover

Home > Progetti > Passreg

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Passive House Regions with Renewable Energies


This project aims to trigger the successful implementation of NZEBs throughout the EU, using Passive House supplied as much as possible by renewable energies as the foundation.

Several European municipalities and regions are already committed to energy efficient Passive House principles (dictating maximum heating and cooling demands of 15 kWh/(m²a) each in new builds) and to covering the very low remaining energy demand in these buildings, to a significant extent and where logical, by energy from renewable energy sources. Along with other best practice examples, the experiences from these front runner regions, or PassREgs, will help pave the way for other EU regions to achieve the EPBD targets by 2020.

This project is thus based on European regions/municipalities that either are already PassREg regions or are striving to become such regions. Through this project, the front runner regions that have already implemented successful, cost effective strategies will be optimized and made visible. Based on the lessons learnt within the project, useful parts of their models, the mechanisms in place promoting and supporting the implementation of PassREg concepts, will be adapted and implemented in the aspiring regions, less advanced partner regions that are striving to become front runners. Beacon projects, real construction and refurbishment projects built in accordance with Passive House and supplied by renewable energy where sensible, will round out the project, providing concrete case studies that will shed light on how each model promotes progress. Regions associated with consortium partners not yet fully ready to commit to a model but often with a beacon project already, known as standalone beacon regions also contribute to the development of project goals.

To facilitate EU-wide uptake, infrastructure will be strengthened by supporting the availability of qualified materials, products and professionals on regional markets and by optimizing existing Passive House building and component certification criteria for application in various EU climate zones. The experiences taken from participating regions along with lessons learnt from the project’s beacons will figure into a set of solutions that will make best practice accessible across the EU. Supported by newly strengthened infrastructure, the optimized existing and new front runner regions and the resulting set of solutions will serve to advance the uptake and large-scale creation and optimization of further PassREgs throughout the rest of Europe well in line with the EU’s 2020 goal.

Sito web del progetto: http://www.passreg.eu/


Prof. Lorenzo Pagliano - Direttore di eERG - lorenzo.pagliano@polimi.it

Ing. Marco Pietrobon - marco.pietrobon@polimi.it